Revised: October 4, 2018
Published: October 13, 2019
Abstract: [Plain Text Version]
In this paper we show that black-box polynomial identity testing (PIT) for n-variate noncommutative polynomials f of degree D with at most t nonzero monomials can be done in randomized \poly(n,\log t,\log D) time, and consequently in randomized \poly(n,\log t, s) time if f is computable by a circuit of size s. This result makes progress on a question that has been open for over a decade. Our algorithm is based on efficiently isolating a monomial using nondeterministic automata.
The above result does not yield an efficient randomized PIT for noncommutative circuits in general, as noncommutative circuits of size s can compute polynomials with a double-exponential (in s) number of monomials. As a first step, we consider a natural class of homogeneous noncommutative circuits, that we call +-regular circuits, and give a white-box polynomial-time deterministic PIT for them. These circuits can compute noncommutative polynomials with number of monomials double-exponential in the circuit size. Our algorithm combines some new structural results for +-regular circuits with known PIT results for noncommutative algebraic branching programs, a rank bound for commutative depth-3 identities, and an equivalence testing problem for words. Finally, we solve the black-box PIT problem for depth-3 +-regular circuits in randomized polynomial time. In particular, we show if f is a nonzero noncommutative polynomial in n variables over the field \mathbb{F} computed by a depth-3 +-regular circuit of size s, then f cannot be a polynomial identity for the matrix algebra \mathbb{M}_s(\mathbb{F}) when \mathbb{F} is sufficiently large depending on the degree of f.
A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 49th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (STOC'17).