Articles by Ryan O'Donnell
Vol 17, Article 9 (pp 1-30)
[CCC19 Spec Issue]
Sherali--Adams Strikes Back by Ryan O'Donnell and Tselil Schramm |
Vol 16, Article 6 (pp 1-20)
Sharp Bounds for Population Recovery by Anindya De, Ryan O'Donnell, and Rocco A. Servedio |
Vol 14, Article 2 (pp 1-2)
[CCC17 Spec Issue]
Special Issue: CCC 2017: Guest Editor's Foreword by Shachar Lovett and Ryan O'Donnell |
Vol 13, Article 19 (pp 1-51)
[APRX-RND15 Spec Issue]
Improved NP-Inapproximability for 2-Variable Linear Equations by Johan HÃ¥stad, Sangxia Huang, Rajsekar Manokaran, Ryan O'Donnell, and John Wright |
Vol 9, Article 16 (pp 579-585)
[Boolean Spec Issue]
Special Issue on Analysis of Boolean Functions: Guest Editors' Foreword by Elchanan Mossel and Ryan O'Donnell |
Vol 5, Article 4 (pp 83-117)
SDP Gaps and UGC-hardness for Max-Cut-Gain by Subhash Khot and Ryan O'Donnell |