Articles under category:
Approximation Algorithms
Approximation Algorithms
Vol 20, Article 6 (pp 1-23)
On a Generalization of Iterated and Randomized Rounding by Nikhil Bansal |
Vol 18, Article 18 (pp 1-19)
Algorithms for Intersection Graphs for t-Intervals and t-Pseudodisks by Chandra Chekuri and Tanmay Inamdar |
Vol 18, Article 7 (pp 1-24)
[APRX-RND19 Spec Issue]
Fast and Deterministic Approximations for k-Cut by Kent Quanrud |
Vol 18, Article 3 (pp 1-29)
[APRX-RND16 Spec Issue]
Near-Optimal NP-Hardness of Approximating Max k-CSPR by Pasin Manurangsi, Preetum Nakkiran, and Luca Trevisan |
Vol 16, Article 14 (pp 1-8)
On the Hardness of Approximating the k-Way Hypergraph Cut problem by Chandra Chekuri and Shi Li |
Vol 16, Article 12 (pp 1-18)
Optimality of Correlated Sampling Strategies by Mohammad Bavarian, Badih Ghazi, Elad Haramaty, Pritish Kamath, Ronald L. Rivest, and Madhu Sudan |
Vol 14, Article 10 (pp 1-33)
[CCC17 Spec Issue]
From Weak to Strong Linear Programming Gaps for All Constraint Satisfaction Problems by Mrinalkanti Ghosh and Madhur Tulsiani |
Vol 14, Article 8 (pp 1-35)
The Complexity of Computing the Optimal Composition of Differential Privacy by Jack Murtagh and Salil Vadhan |
Vol 14, Article 3 (pp 1-21)
[CCC17 Spec Issue]
A Deterministic PTAS for the Commutative Rank of Matrix Spaces by Markus Bläser, Gorav Jindal, and Anurag Pandey |
Vol 13, Article 15 (pp 1-24)
Tight Hardness of the Non-Commutative Grothendieck Problem by Jop Briët, Oded Regev, and Rishi Saket |
Vol 13, Article 14 (pp 1-17)
[APRX-RND15 Spec Issue]
A Randomized Online Quantile Summary in O((1/ε)log(1/ε)) Words by David Felber and Rafail Ostrovsky |
Vol 13, Article 13 (pp 1-31)
Nash Equilibria in Perturbation-Stable Games by Maria-Florina Balcan and Mark Braverman |
Vol 13, Article 10 (pp 1-19)
On the Hardness of Approximating Balanced Homogenous 3-Lin by Johan Håstad and Rajsekar Manokaran |
Vol 13, Article 5 (pp 1-47)
[APRX-RND13 Spec Issue]
A Pseudo-Approximation for the Genus of Hamiltonian Graphs by Yury Makarychev, Amir Nayyeri, and Anastasios Sidiropoulos |
Vol 12, Article 17 (pp 1-25)
[APRX-RND14 Spec Issue]
Approximation Algorithms for Hypergraph Small-Set Expansion and Small-Set Vertex Expansion by Anand Louis and Yury Makarychev |
Vol 12, Article 15 (pp 1-29)
[APRX-RND14 Spec Issue]
Lowest-Degree k-Spanner: Approximation and Hardness by Eden Chlamtáč and Michael Dinitz |
Vol 12, Article 14 (pp 1-14)
[APRX-RND15 Spec Issue]
Minimizing Maximum Flow-Time on Related Machines by Nikhil Bansal and Bouke Cloostermans |
Vol 12, Article 2 (pp 1-34)
Lattice Sparsification and the Approximate Closest Vector Problem by Daniel Dadush and Gábor Kun |
Vol 11, Article 9 (pp 241-256)
[APRX-RND13 Spec Issue]
A New Regularity Lemma and Faster Approximation Algorithms for Low Threshold Rank Graphs by Shayan Oveis Gharan and Luca Trevisan |
Vol 11, Article 7 (pp 221-235)
[APRX-RND12 Spec Issue]
The Projection Games Conjecture and the NP-Hardness of ln n-Approximating Set-Cover by Dana Moshkovitz |
Vol 11, Article 4 (pp 105-147)
Maximizing the Spread of Influence through a Social Network by David Kempe, Jon Kleinberg, and Éva Tardos |
Vol 10, Article 13 (pp 341-358)
[APRX-RND12 Spec Issue]
Approximation Algorithm for Non-Boolean Max-k-CSP by Konstantin Makarychev and Yury Makarychev |
Vol 10, Article 11 (pp 257-295)
Efficient Rounding for the Noncommutative Grothendieck Inequality by Assaf Naor, Oded Regev, and Thomas Vidick |
Vol 9, Article 28 (pp 863-887)
[Boolean Spec Issue]
A Two-Prover One-Round Game with Strong Soundness by Subhash Khot and Muli Safra |
Vol 9, Article 22 (pp 685-702)
Hamming Approximation of NP Witnesses by Daniel Sheldon and Neal E. Young |
Vol 8, Article 26 (pp 597-622)
A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Co-clustering by Aris Anagnostopoulos, Anirban Dasgupta, and Ravi Kumar |
Vol 8, Article 24 (pp 533-565)
Solving Packing Integer Programs via Randomized Rounding with Alterations by Nikhil Bansal, Nitish Korula, Viswanath Nagarajan, and Aravind Srinivasan |
Vol 8, Article 20 (pp 429-460)
[Motwani Special Issue]
Budget-Constrained Auctions with Heterogeneous Items by Sayan Bhattacharya, Gagan Goel, Sreenivas Gollapudi, and Kamesh Munagala |
Vol 8, Article 18 (pp 401-413)
[Motwani Special Issue]
An O(k3logn)-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex-Connectivity Survivable Network Design by Julia Chuzhoy and Sanjeev Khanna |
Vol 8, Article 14 (pp 321-350)
[Motwani Special Issue]
Approximate Nearest Neighbor: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality by Sariel Har-Peled, Piotr Indyk, and Rajeev Motwani |
Vol 7, Article 5 (pp 49-74)
Metric Clustering via Consistent Labeling by Robert Krauthgamer and Tim Roughgarden |
Vol 7, Article 3 (pp 27-43)
Inapproximability of Vertex Cover and Independent Set in Bounded Degree Graphs by Per Austrin, Subhash Khot, and Muli Safra |
Vol 5, Article 4 (pp 83-117)
SDP Gaps and UGC-hardness for Max-Cut-Gain by Subhash Khot and Ryan O'Donnell |
Vol 4, Article 9 (pp 191-193)
On the LP Relaxation of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path Problem by Viswanath Nagarajan |
Vol 4, Article 5 (pp 111-128)
Approximation Algorithms for Unique Games by Luca Trevisan |
Vol 4, Article 2 (pp 21-51)
Optimal lower bounds for the Korkine-Zolotareff parameters of a lattice and for Schnorr's algorithm for the shortest vector problem by Miklós Ajtai |
Vol 4, Article 1 (pp 1-20)
Single Source Multiroute Flows and Cuts on Uniform Capacity Networks by Henning Bruhn, Jakub Černý, Alexander Hall, Petr Kolman, and Jiří Sgall |
Vol 3, Article 10 (pp 197-209)
An O(log n) Approximation Ratio for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path Problem by Chandra Chekuri and Martin Pál |
Vol 3, Article 9 (pp 179-195)
Approximation Algorithms and Online Mechanisms for Item Pricing by Maria-Florina Balcan and Avrim Blum |
Vol 3, Article 6 (pp 103-128)
Linear Degree Extractors and the Inapproximability of Max Clique and Chromatic Number by David Zuckerman |
Vol 3, Article 3 (pp 45-60)
On the Hardness of Satisfiability with Bounded Occurrences in the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy by Ishay Haviv, Oded Regev, and Amnon Ta-Shma |
Vol 2, Article 13 (pp 249-266)
Correlation Clustering with a Fixed Number of Clusters by Ioannis Giotis and Venkatesan Guruswami |
Vol 2, Article 12 (pp 225-247)
Matrix Approximation and Projective Clustering via Volume Sampling by Amit Deshpande, Luis Rademacher, Santosh S. Vempala, and Grant Wang |
Vol 2, Article 11 (pp 207-224)
Embedding the Ulam metric into ℓ1 by Moses Charikar and Robert Krauthgamer |
Vol 2, Article 7 (pp 137-146)
An O(√n) Approximation and Integrality Gap for Disjoint Paths and Unsplittable Flow by Chandra Chekuri, Sanjeev Khanna, and F. Bruce Shepherd |
Vol 2, Article 4 (pp 65-90)
Rank Bounds and Integrality Gaps for Cutting Planes Procedures by Joshua Buresh-Oppenheim, Nicola Galesi, Shlomo Hoory, Avner Magen, and Toniann Pitassi |
Vol 2, Article 3 (pp 53-64)
An Improved Approximation Ratio for the Covering Steiner Problem by Anupam Gupta and Aravind Srinivasan |
Vol 2, Article 2 (pp 19-51)
Proving Integrality Gaps without Knowing the Linear Program by Sanjeev Arora, Béla Bollobás, László Lovász, and Iannis Tourlakis |
Vol 1, Article 7 (pp 119-148)
Query Efficient PCPs with Perfect Completeness by Johan Håstad and Subhash Khot |